Opening Hours


When we're open


We are closed on bank holidays. See our events and closures page to learn more.

Day Opening hours
Monday 8am to 1pm | 2pm to 6:30pm
Tuesday 8am to 1pm | 2pm to 6:30pm
Wednesday 8am to 1pm | 2pm to 6:30pm
Thursday 8am to 1pm | 2pm to 6:30pm
Friday 8am to 1pm | 2pm to 6:30pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

When we're closed

Enhanced Access


  • 6.30 to 8pm: Nurse


Pre arranged appointments between 6.30pm to 8pm on Wednesday. Reception is closed from 6.30pm

  • 6.30 to 8pm: 2 GPs
  • 6.30 to 8pm: Nurse/ACP

Life Threatening

Call 999 or go to A&E now if:

  • you or someone you know needs immediate help
  • you have seriously harmed yourself - for example, by taking a drug overdose

A mental health emergency should be taken as seriously as a medical emergency.

Find your nearest A&E

Urgent But Not Life Threatening

Visit an urgent care centre if:

  • You have an urgent medical issue requiring on the day attention

Find Urgent Care Services


Use NHS 111 if:

  • You need help now, but it's not an emergency

There will be someone to provide you with advice and to direct you to a clinician if it is necessary.

Visit NHS 111 Online


NHS 111 BSL (British Sign Language) Service

If you’re Deaf and want to use the phone service, you can use the NHS 111 British Sign Language service available in your country:

You can also call 18001 111 on a textphone.


How NHS 111 works

You answer questions about your symptoms on the website, or by speaking to a fully trained adviser on the phone. You can ask for a translator if you need one.

Depending on the situation you’ll:

  • find out what local service can help you
  • be connected to a nurse, emergency dentist, pharmacist or GP
  • get a face-to-face appointment if you need one
  • be told how to get any medicine you need
  • get self-care advice

You can also get: